Monday, August 10, 2009

Four days of glory

The last four days have been an incredible and unexpected blessing to me.

First, I was given an unexpected opportunity over Thursday and Friday to attend Leadership Summit, a two-day conference produced by Willow Creek church in Illinois, and telecasted locally by Grace Point Church in San Antonio. While there, I was exposed to lectures by a number of phenomenally gifted and blessed speakers. A couple of notes on the strongest lessons and lasting impressions:

- Gary Hamel absolutely blew me away with his presentation on adjusting to and "outrunning" change, balancing the changing demands and flow of life with the immovable rock of God's immutable Word, and structuring your life and organization for prolonged success. His was a completely unexpected revelation from the list of presenters.

- Tim Keller, a Presbyterian pastor from Brooklyn, provided an excellent topical discussion of the parable of the prodigal son, turning the conventional reading on its head, and providing excellent new insight into a well known but inadequately understood lesson. His style wasn't the most attention grabbing, but his message has stuck with me very strongly.

- Jessica Jackley, the co-founder of a website called, discussed her project and the tremendous impact it is having in the world. If you don't know about Kiva, I strongly encourage you to visit the website, plug in and get involved. I'll likely be adding a permalink on my page in the near future.

- Harvey Carey wrapped up the first day with an incredible, motivational, inspirational, nigh on indescribable sermon. This incredible leader has voluntarily placed himself into what many would consider one of the least desirable jobs in America (senior pastor at a small church in the poorest part of Detroit), and filled his congregation with life, love and hope. I cannot do justice to the incredible power of his words, but even more awesome is the power of his church's actions to support those words.

There were a number of other presenters not listed here, and each provided valuable insights and information from which to grow and develop. There were also strong lessons to be learned from such dignitaries and titans of business as Carly Fiorina, David Gergen, Bono, and the Rt Hon. Tony Blair.

I also have to give special recognition to one other presenter. Dr Wess Stafford is the CEO of Compassion International. His story and presentation deeply affected me, and I am still pained by the vivid imagery that his presentation left on my mind and heart. I ache for the children that Dr Stafford is working so hard to serve and protect, and I am in prayer to God to find clearer understanding for what he wants me to do about this yearning.


As if the awesome blessings from Leadership Summit were not enough, we were provided with another amazing gift from God this weekend. Two of our closest and dearest friends (temporarily living out of state to complete their schooling) surprised us all with a visit over the weekend. We got to pick them up at the airport Saturday morning after finding out on Friday afternoon that they were coming into town. We took several opportunities to spend time with them and their two precious boys over the weekend. The life and love that emanates from this family is truly uplifting, and I am deeply thankful for being able to share in their life and friendship.

We also had special guests at Church on Sunday evening, we had our church "officially" launched Sunday morning, my wife got a nice raise, and I'm sure there were two or three other things that happened that I'll remember once I've had a chance to rest.

After having all of this pile up item after item, I haven't come close to having the time to process everything. My cup runneth over in ways it never has before. As exhausted as I should be from the excitement and busyness of the last four days, I'm still so wired that I find myself sitting here writing to re-experience the weekend. I don't want it to end. Nevertheless, as I write this, my clock is showing 12:57 am, and I do have to go to work in less than 7 hours. As such, the two or three other things I originally intended to write about will just have to wait until later.

May God bless all who read this, and I hope you get to experience a "cup runneth over" weekend like mine sooner than later, if you haven't already.

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