Thursday, October 1, 2009

CNN's Heroes for 2009

Thought I'd share something that I've known about but been woefully inadequate in supporting over these last few years. Brad Blauser is an Aggie who has put together an amazing program called Wheelchairs for Iraqi Kids. In the last four years, his non-profit group has purchased and distributed nearly 650 specially designed pediatric wheelchairs, each specially outfitted to be useful and mobile in the sometimes difficult Iraqi environment.

Now, CNN is running a promotion Called CNN Heroes. They have identified a large number of people doing great work in various fields to help those in need. From their large group, they have selected 10 finalists. A special on-line vote is ongoing, with the winner slated to receive $100,000 towards their field/"ministry" (my word, not CNN's).

Vote for Brad Blauser

I know of Brad indirectly through, a Texas A&M social networking site I frequent. From his posts there, I know him to be a good hearted Christian man who is doing great work for God's Kingdom with this project.

Anyways, I encourage you to go to the CNN Heroes site, peruse the various people who are doing such great things in the world, and then vote for Brad. In all honesty, all of the finalists are doing great works and are worthy of your votes, so vote for who you will. I for one, would be very happy to see Brad, and ultimately the children of Iraq, win this prize.

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