Sunday, January 30, 2011

Helping someone who doesn't help themselves

Experienced a difficult Christian experience over the weekend.

At the request of a sister from our church, the wife and I gave a little of our time on Saturday to help a neighbor who was being evicted from her home due to foreclosure. I didn't know a lot of the surrounding details, only that there was a cloud of confusion over why they were being evicted, and that they needed to be out of the house by midnight Sunday night.

When we showed up, immediately on walking into the front door, it was very obvious that the situation wasn't quite right. Without expanding into too much detail, the mom was a moderate hoarder, and the likelihood of being moved out in time was approximately zero, absent divine intervention.

In helping to pack and move their stuff, and in talking to the mom, it became clear that the mom's unhealthy attachment to her belongings and focus on acquiring "treasures on earth" was a significant factor in their situation. The most likely truth is that the family is in significant debt and was foreclosed on due to non-payment of their mortgage. And absent a significant lifestyle change, problems will continue to follow them in the future. As of the time of our departure, the mom seemed unlikely to relent towards that necessary change.

Since that time, I've been in frequent thought and prayer over the situation. I have really struggled with my own judgemental attitude, and have had trouble relating the story because my distaste for the whole situation is really evident in my descriptions. I've asked God to soften my heart and give me a better understanding of how to help a person in a situation like that.

I am also in prayer for the mom, and the daughter who is caught up in that situation. I don't want to get more involved, in part because I can't even comprehend the patience, grace, and love that will be necessary to work through this relationship, much less be able to channel those Godly traits. I pray for our sister who does continue to witness to her, and hope that her efforts will bear fruit, and that the family will come to seek God and the healing that He can provide.

Have you ever encountered a situation like this where you know that somebody's actions have been so detrimental to their lives, but have felt powerless to be able to help, because the cloud of denial that surrounds them is so deeply ingrained?

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