Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Truth Project

Tonight, I began hosting a mens group in a series called The Truth Project, produced by Focus on the Family. This video-based series works to present a comprehensive and systematic worldview based on Biblical and Godly Truth. It covers the gamut of topics, from "What is Truth", to "Who is man", "Who is God", to discussions on history, ethics, government, science, philosophy, and a host of other areas. I previously sat through this as a 'student', but now is my opportunity to share my experience with others.

I hope the men in my group will take as much out of it as I did when I originally sat through it, and I hope to gain both a refresher and a deeper understanding of the Truths contained within the study.

As the Spirit moves me, I'll sometimes be posting on topics from each week's study, to try to fish out a wider view, or maybe to chase a thought all the way down into the rabbit hole. I'll go as the Spirit leads, and hopefully will be faithful to that task.

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